Take Five with Katie Garibaldi - Guitar Girl Magazine

Thank you so much to Guitar Girl Magazine for interviewing me in their Spring 2020 issue, which is now available online! 🌞🎸 I did this interview right before the world shut down, so reading it now is making me nostalgic for hope and giving me a renewed sense of optimism for my creative endeavors. ✨🎶 (I hope it gives you the same feeling!) 💗

Grateful to GUITAR GIRL for giving me the opportunity to talk about recording, guitar gear, songwriting, and spirituality through music. 💫 You can read the interview at guitargirlmag.com/interviews/take-five-with-katie-garibaldi


Katie Garibaldi

Katie Garibaldi is a singer/songwriter, guitar player, filmmaker, and music supervisor. Her music has been featured in many noteworthy magazines, blogs and independent radio, and accolades include international songwriting, producing, and music video awards. With the growth of a strong network in the music and film industries, Katie is leveraging her experience as an independent artist, production skills, and passion for creative storytelling in a music supervision role with her company Owl At The Moon Creative. She is also currently working on her first short film. In true multi-passionate artistic fashion, Katie enjoys speaking and writing on the subjects of spirituality and creativity.